Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide has chosen Adverum as its communication partner in Lithuania

Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide, a group of high-tech companies exporting thermal-imaging and digital night vision devices to more than 70 countries worldwide, has chosen Adverum as its communication partner.

“Our group now consists of nine companies operating in 7 countries. Currently, we are in the growth and innovation phase. The number of our employees is growing (we employ 1,100 specialists at the moment), we are expanding our product range and their complexity. Transparent and targeted communication will help us embed globally as a European high engineering technology manufacturer. At the same time, we will be improving employer branding: our company offers many benefits and values for employees, we want to spread this message to our potential team members”, said Germanas Kavalskis, Head of Communications at Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide.

Adverum will assist the group with strategic (positioning, employer image, branding) and tactical (PR and image building) decisions.

“This year, we expanded our team, skillset, and the list of clients rapidly. The requirements of our clients have also been challenging: work with international communication, audiences in various countries, a wide range of channels. Partners like Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide allow our team to reach the full potential and enter new areas, or, as we like to say, create the stories of tomorrow”, said Ieva Naujalytė, managing partner at Adverum.

Yukon Advanced Optics Worldwide develops Pulsar and Yukon Advanced Optics, world-renowned day and night optic and electro-optic device brands used for travel, hunting, marine, and security sectors. The group is a pioneer in producing civil thermal imagery. The main markets for the devices it develops are the USA and Europe. In 2020 the group reached a worldwide turnover of 103 million euros. Moreover, the group is one of the few manufacturers that ensures the entire production cycle of their products. It currently offers more than 200 products, with plans to release 20 new devices this year. The company also plans on upgrading software and increasing its research and development (R&D) capacity.

Communication service company Adverum provides strategic and crisis communication consulting, public relations, marketing, digital communication, media relations training, ESG communication, and new reality employer branding services.