



Versli Lietuva


To ensure communication of the country’s strategic export sectors in the target foreign markets and to achieve 5-10% awareness of different sectors among the target audiences.

Solutions delivered

  • Along with communication partners – communication experts in the USA, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Sweden we prepared more than 50 articles that were initiated and distributed in media in respective countries.
  • Paid media projects in vertical media, influencer engagement, trade bodies engagement were planned and executed
  • LinkedIn communication and advertising, development, and management resulted in a target audience reach of 518,595, consisting of mid-level and senior executives in the target sectors
  • Sectors awareness in foreign target markets among target audiences reached: in Germany: Lithuanian furniture sector – 19%, traditional engineering – 25.26%, high-tech engineering – 18.8%, information technology – 23.4%, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals – 17, 27%, food and beverage – 34.65%, food and beverage in the Netherlands – 17%, information technology in Sweden – 27.85%, furniture in France – 19%, traditional engineering – 18.85%, high-tech engineering – 20.81 %, US biotechnology and pharmaceuticals – 5%

March 2021-January 2022 

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