



The Crisis Intervention Centre


Raise awareness about the Crisis Intervention Center while encouraging people to contribute with donations

Solutions delivered

  • The “Mutual Support Index” – a new and exclusively created measurement of positive social interaction in Lithuanian society—was presented at a highly attended media conference;
  • Adverum, in collaboration with KOG Institute, created the research methodology and index calculations, arranged the implementation of the survey, analysed the results, and prepared and presented them to the media;
  • A campaign in social media about helping Ukrainian war refugees and Crisis Intervention Centers efforts;
  • The news about the Mutual support index and the psychological state of Lithuanian society in the outbreak of the war in Ukraine reached more than 1 million people; the news was covered by all national TV channels;
  • Small budget social media campaign for the help for Ukrainian war refugees in Lithuania reached more than 45 thousand users.

February - April 2022 

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