
Client Sophimeda Task Remescar brand promo Solutions delivered Creative Solutions Influencer Relations Event Management Time2016 October-December


Client Nike Task Opinion Leaders’ communication Solutions delivered Creating the Running Culture in Lithuania through Media Relations and Influencer Relations Timefrom 2012 February

Birstono Mineraliniai Vandenys

Client Birstono Mineraliniai Vandenys Task The Effect of Birute communication campaign management Solutions delivered Brand Communication solutions and full-scope project management attracting 2000 participants Time2018 May – July

Peledu Kalnas

Client Peledu Kalnas Task Movie communication and premiere Solutions delivered Media Relations Social Media Management Promo Events  Time2018 January-March

Wizz Air

Client Wizz Air Task Secured strategy and tactics of brand positioning and awareness in Lithuania and Latvia. Solutions delivered Public Relations Marketing Communication Cross-border communication Creative services Timefrom 2015 June


Client Omniva Task Secured strategy and tactics in B2B4C communication Solutions delivered Media Relations Employer Branding Corporate and Educational Communication Executive Digital communication Direct communication Timefrom 2019 February

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